Favorite Teacher's Favorite Music


  1. Who is your favorite singer, group, or song, and why? Mr. Moore: Bob Dillon (because he was the voice of the 60s), Peter Paul & Mary, Rolling Stones, classical music, modern music, and the Black Eyed Peas. He likes to go around the house singing Fergalicious and his wife gets really embarrassed. Hahaha
  2. Do you go to concerts? Which concerts are most memorable to you? Why? Mr. Moore: "Does the ballet count?"-- His recent, most memorable "concert" is The Nutcracker at the Gillioz and he enjoyed it because of the music. Another recent one is "that five family members that play the piano... There are five family members. They're called The Five. . . Something. . ." He doesn't go to concerts anymore because it's more of a group thing to do. He remembers the Willie Nelson concert from when he was younger, and the deal was if you drink 2 beers, then you can listen to the concert.
  3. What radio stations do you normally listen to in your car? Do you sing along? Mr. Hawxby: 95.5, and yes, only duets with the kids.
  4. Which music or artist was "controversial" or "offensive" to some when you were growing up? Is any msuic offensive to you now? Mrs. Stewart: "The nasty rappers that say the 'f'-word and call girls 'bitches.'" When she was growing up, Jesus Christ Superstar was controversial.
  5. What music reminds you of someone you love? Your child? Spouse? Parents? Mrs. Stewart: Eagles.
    Sean: . . . And who do they remind you of?
    Mrs. Stewart: . . . Spouse. . .
And I'm ending this post with some wide words from Mr. Moore:
"Music is part of your identity."
- Mr. Moore